In 2016, health and fitness consultant Robb Zavoso embarked on a journey to optimize his overall wellbeing. It was during this time that he spent years trying a number of diets and lifestyles–which, according to Zavoso, destroyed his health, all while causing him to hit what he describes as rock bottom.

With mounting health issues that included fatigue, joint pain, the destruction of his gut health and hormone balance, and the development of autoimmune conditions, Zavoso says that he eventually came to the point where doctors could not help him. This is when he chose to take matters into his own hands.

A Focus on Ancestral-Based Solutions

Zavoso’s research eventually led to the adoption of what he describes as an “ancestrally influenced lifestyle,” which he says approaches nutrition “from the perspective of our ancestors as hunter-gatherers.”

His results astounded him. Within six months, Zavoso says he began to thrive, and experienced firsthand how life-changing it was to fully optimize his health on both a personal and professional level.

Before and After

“I finally felt great and healthy, and I experienced what it was like to have tons of energy, mental sharpness, and increased productivity, which was game-changing,” Zavoso says.

His nutrition and lifestyle choices now consist of high-quality animal foods, including those with good protein and fat values, and organic, low-toxic vegetables and fruits.

Implementing Fitness Techniques

After discovering the benefits of eating ancestrally, Zavoso ventured into the realm of fitness training.

Early on, Zavoso says he was weightlifting six days a week. He states that this wasn’t sustainable over the long term due to his work schedule, and because of training so much, he hit a plateau. However, through careful research, he eventually discovered the key to developing what he calls a “warrior physique” by weightlifting three days a week to prioritize recovery, and implementing further results from our ancestors.

“Our ancestors walked about 17,000 steps per day,” Zavoso says. “Today, we are walking nowhere near that.”

He adds that maintaining 8,000 – 12,000 steps daily is the “sweet spot” when it comes to personal fitness, and helps one get lean almost effortless.

Having combined this knowledge, Zavoso is now, as he says, “the healthiest and strongest I’ve ever been.”

Tailoring Solutions for CEOs

Zavoso’s knowledge in the realm of diet and fitness has led him to offer consulting services for CEOs of companies, who he claims experience undue stress from long hours and unhealthy habits. On his X profile, Instagram page, and his platform on YouTube, Zavoso shares multiple tips and detailed videos about how proper diet and nutrition can help manage one’s stress and energy levels, and create a positive impact on those working high-stress jobs.

“I’ve come to realize that health is the most important aspect of life,” Zavoso says. “You can take any aspect away from life – be it your business, money, or anything else – but if you take away your health, you’re literally taking away life.”

Zavoso adds that his philosophy when it comes to health and fitness is using food as medicine, with fitness complementing the effort to optimize one’s life.

If you’re a CEO or business owner looking to improve the way you implement nutrition and fitness into your lifestyle, you can reach Robb Zavoso via LinkedIn and on his social media accounts. 

Written in partnership with Tom White.